Regie: Tawfik Alzaidi
Vorstellungen im Kino
326 - Sa, 21:30, im Kino 2 online Kontingent verbraucht

Zum Trailer
Saudi-Arabien in den 1990ern, zu einer Zeit, als alle Kunstformen verboten waren: Weil Norahs Eltern bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kommen, ist sie gezwungen, bei ihrer Tante und ihrem Onkel in dem abgelegenen Dorf zu bleiben, in dem ihr Vater geboren wurde. Norah ist nicht an das konservative Dorfleben gewöhnt und ihre einzige Rettung sind die Zeitschriften, die ein örtlicher Ladenbesitzer und ehemaliger Stadtbewohner für sie einschmuggelt. Je älter sie wird, desto stärker wird ihr Verlangen nach den Freiheiten der Stadt, und als Nader, ein neuer Lehrer aus der Stadt, ankommt, wird in Norah die Hoffnung auf Veränderung geweckt.
Set in Saudi Arabia at a time when all art forms were banned, this is a story about the basic human need to communicate through art. It focuses on two very special individuals, Norah and Nader, who manage to keep their creativity alive despite the oppressive ban and weighty social pressure to conform. When Norah’s parents are killed in a car wreck on their way back to their metropolitan home, she is forced to stay with her aunt and uncle in the remote village where her father was born. Unaccustomed to conservative village life, Norah’s only reprieve are the magazines a local storekeeper and former city dweller smuggles in for her. Her craving for the freedoms of the city intensify the older she gets and when Nader, a new schoolteacher from the city arrives, Norah’s hope for change is sparked.
Über den Film
This film takes place in my country, Saudi Arabia, in the 90s when art in all its shapes, forms and colours was not allowed. Everything has changed now but it was a time that lasted a long 35 years. Many artists and musicians stopped their artistic careers because of the pressure exerted on them. This film is about those special people who managed to keep their creativity alive despite being considered different or outsiders by their society at that time.
Tawfik Alzaidi, Director von Norah
The phrase ‘A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words’ encapsulates the bold mission in Norah, directed by Saudi filmmaker Tawfik Alzaidi, which won a Special Mention at Cannes’ Un Certain Regard.
Niikhiil Akhiil,
Despite a few detours, Norah proves to be an exceptionally strong debut from a filmmaking voice who reaches into his not-so-distant cultural past in order to reflect on his present (and his future) as a creator in a place where artistry can be risky and fraught. It’s both a potential stepping stone to greater things and a glowing achievement unto itself in which the very process of creation becomes an act of liberation.
Siddant Adlakha,
Regie | Tawfik Alzaidi |
Drehbuch | Tawfik Alzaidi |
Kamera | Shaun Harley Lee |
Musik | Omar Fedel |
Darsteller | Yaqoub Alfarhan (Nader) Maria Bahrawi (Norah) Abdullah Alsadhan (Abu Salem) |